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Monday, April 5, 2010

Breaking News: Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya fighting a severe cancer of throat

JustujuTV Karachi - April 4, 2010JTV 2010-013 Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya - A Tribute to a Best Friend + Living Legend

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سلام دوستو

ہماری سب کی پیاری بجیا، آج کل شدید بیمار ہیں۔ ان کے منہ اور گلے کے کینسر کا آپریشن حال ہی ً میں ہوا ہے، اور وہ آج کل صاحبہ فراش ہیں۔

بجیا پہلی ستمبر 1930 کو پنج بی بی پہاڑی کے نزدیک ایک قصبہ میں، کرناٹک، حیدرآباد دکن، غیرمنقسم ہندوستان میں‌پیدا ہوئیں۔ آپ 10 بھائی بہن ہیں۔ ان میں سے دو بہنیں اور ایک بھائی اب حیات نہیں ہیں۔

بجیا کے ایک پسندیدہ برادر انور مقصود ہیں، جو بذات خود ساری دنیا میں محبوب و مقبول ہیں۔ بجیا ان کی نوجوانی کی شرارتوں کو یاد کررہی ہیں، اور اپنی زندگی کے بارے میں مزید گوشوں پر روشنی ڈال رہی ہیں۔

بجیا اخلاقی قدروں کی محافظ ہیں، اور وہ پاکستانی بچوں کو اعلیٰ اخلاق کی تربیت دینے پر یقین رکھتی ہیں۔ وہ ایک خوش خیال، خوب صورت ذہن کی مالکہ، اور امیدوں کی کرنوں سے پر خاتون ہیں۔

بجیا کو پھولوں سے عشق ہے۔ نہ صرف وہ پھولوں کو اگاتی ہیں، بلکہ وہ پلاسٹک اور کپڑے کےپھولوں کو بھی جمع کرتی رہی ہیں۔

پروگرام دیکھ کر تبصرہ ضرور کیجیے، اور ان کی صحت کاملہ کے لیے دعا کیجیے۔

آپ سب کے ۔۔۔

جستجو ٹی وی ٹیم ۔ زندگی کے تمام رنگ - ہر راہ گزر سے آگے

JustujuTv is proud to present a beautiful program to you, about one of the most beautiful Pakistani minds.

Ms. Fatima Suraiyya Hameedi Khatoon was born on 1 September 1930, near "Panj Bibi Mountain", in Karnatak, Hyderabad Deccan, British India. She migrated to Pakistan soon after independence, along with her family.

Affectionately known as "Bajiya" (Elder Sister) all over the world, she is an amazing lady. Her total education took place inside her home, and she was tutored by her grand maternal uncle Nawab Nisar Ahmed Khan, Bahadur Yar Jang. This title was given to him by the Emir of Deccan, an independent state up to 1948. Later it was forcibly taken over by Indian armed personnel, dethroning its Emirs.

Bajiya and her brothers and sisters were 10 in numbers. For more details about them, watch the program and listen to Bajiya.

Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya, has won over 900 awards. She is most delighted to have received the award from Emperor of Japan, for her assistance in translating Japanese poetry in to Urdu. She is also a recipient of Pakistani Pride of Performance Award.

Bajiya has been a prolific writer. She made her inroads in to the realm of literature when she was still in her sweet sixteenth year of age. She wrote an Urdu Novel, titled "Muslim Samaaj" (Muslim Society). Justuju Media is trying to obtain it for you, to publish it on the internet in near future.

Bajiya is well known for her Urdu plays (dramas) that have been turned in to Television Serials mostly by PTV from early 1960s, the days of infancy of Television in Pakistan. She has written plays for stage, and Radio too. She represents the old guard of Pakistani morals, and is not satisfied with the cultural representation of Pakistan by the new age media. She believes and suggests that a writer should always give prominence to goodness in the society.

Her total literary works also remain to be collected, preserved, and processed in to a single volume. Among others, some of her better known plays are: 1- Shama, Afshaan, Urusa, Zeenat, Anaa, Agaahi, Aab Geenay, Baabar, Tareekh wa Tamseel, Ghar aik Nagar, Farz aik Qarz, Phool Rahi Sarson, Tasveer e Kaainaat, Asaavari, and her first long play Mehmaan.

In this program, first of a series on her life, she recounts some of the antics of his favourite brother, who is also adored by Urdu Humour lovers wrold over, Anwar Maqsood. Find out why Anwar converted himself in to a Dracula, and what were the results of this prank in his early young age.

Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya granted special permission to your JustujuTv to peek in to her life, and disclose a few hitherto unknown interesting facts about her life. Please keep watching JustujuTv channel here, for more in the coming days.

Unfortunately, she had a remission of her throat cancer, and was admitted to hospital recently. She has undergone a major throat surgery at AKUH, Karachi, and is recuperating now a days at home. We wish her full recovery, best of health, happiness, and a very long and blessed life.

Very Questly Yours,

JustujuTv - All colors of life. Beyond all dimensions


PTV, JustujuTv, Urdu Drama, Pakistan, Outstanding Pakistanis, Pride of Performance Award Pakistan, Fatima Suraiyya Bajiya, Anwar Maqsood, ARY, GEO, Dracula, Bird of Paradise Flower, Zuhra Negah, Mansoor Bukhari, EMI, ICP, Japan, Japanese Emperor Award, Throat Cancer Remission

The "Best Friend+Living Legend" program conceived, directed, produced, and broad-cast by Hashim Syed for JustujuTv

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